We Will Remember Them   


The Men & Women of Erin & District 













    Tuesday -Wednesday - Thursday - Friday  2:00 - 8:00 pm.

Saturday 12:00 Noon - 8:00 pm

All Public Health & Safety Protocols to be followed


02 April



ZOOMERS are for seniors

All Seniors are welcome for fellowship and lunch

 10:00 AM -1:00 pm - Lunch at 12 noon

Click Poster for Details         12 Dundas Street East Erin


02 April




General meetings start at 7:00 pm as the new branch regulations Have Been certified by ontario Command

Your Support is needed so we can continue serving our veterans and the community


03 April



erin Legion  catch the ace Branch442

Erin lions club & erin optimist club

Tickets $5.00 Each -  Draws Every Thursday Night @ 06:30 pm

  Click Poster for Details               Erin Legion12 Dundas Street East


04 April




Roast Beef Lunch On A Bun

With Coleslaw, Horse Radish, and a Dill Pickle

Click Poster for Details             12:00 Noon - 2:00 pm - $10.25

SATURDAY    05 April -

Legion Euchre Tournament

Sign Up11:30 - 12:30pm - Start 1:00pm

Pre Register 519-833-2212 or Email

Click Poster for Details    $12.00 / per person   -     Erin Legion12 Dundas Street East


05 April



Meat draws at the legion

 Ticket Sale 4:00 pm for both Meat Draw & 50/50 Tickets 3 for $5.00 - Draws Begin Around 5:00 pm

Everyone Is Welcome - Thanks For Your Support

SATURDAY 12 April -

Downstairs Lounge

Registration 11:30 am

Start Time 12:00 Noon

Fee $7.00 - $5.00 Returned as Prize Money - $2.00 to the Legion

Catch The Ace General Rules of Play



Catch the Ace General Rules

All draws will be held at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 442, 12 Dundas Street East, Erin, ON.

Draws every Thursday at 6:30PM.


• By purchasing a ticket the purchaser agrees to the Catch the Ace Erin Legion Br 442 rules and regulations

• Any winner who is paid a prize agrees to grant the Catch the Ace Erin Legion Br 442 an irrevocable right to publish, through all types of media broadcasting, including the internet, for the purposes of promoting the win, their full name, hometown and photograph without any claim for broadcasting, printing, or other rights. The winner who is paid a prize also gives to the Catch the Ace Erin Legion Br 442 the right to publish any additional information that they voluntarily provide. The winner shall have no claim against the Catch the Ace Erin Legion BR 442 for invasion of privacy or any other ground(s) by reason of the publication or broadcasting of their name, hometown, or photograph, or information voluntarily provided by the winner.

• The raffle operates under the terms and conditions of the Town of Erin and the Alcohol and gaming commission of Ontario.

• By purchasing a ticket the purchaser agrees to the Catch the Ace Legion Br 442 rules and regulations

Prizes and Distribution

• Weekly prizes is in relation to the income from same-week ticket sales:

• 20% will be awarded to the winning ticket holder

• 30% will be added to a rising Progressive Jackpot.

• 50% of the net proceeds (less allowable expenses) will go to support Erin Legion, Erin Lion’s Club, and Erin Optimist

• ALL prizes will be paid by cheque. The Erin Legion will be responsible to ensure that the winnings are made available to the winner within 5 business days of winner verification. Cheques for prizes can be picked up in person at Erin Legion, 12 Dundas St E., Erin, ON. Photo ID may be required.

Sales and Tickets

• Ticket sales outlets will include the Erin Legion Branch 442 as well as other committee members in Erin as arranged by the licensee. Sales at the Legion and other members will be cut off at 8 PM each Thursday. Ticket sales for the next week will commence after the draw as soon as feasible as determined by the licensee, at all outlets.

• Two-part numbered tickets will be sold at a cost of $5.00 per ticket, one part is the ticket with the purchaser's information to be utilized for the current week's draw and the second part is the ticket stub. Ticket purchasers must be over 18 years of age to play. Tickets cannot be purchased on behalf of a person who is under 18 years of age and if the winning ticket holder is under age 18, they will be disqualified from winning and funds will go to the charity. Photo ID may be requested for Proof of Age.

• Each purchaser is responsible for checking their purchased ticket(s) at the time of purchase to ensure tickets have been properly separated, numbers and names are printed and that they have chosen an available envelope number. Tickets must not be folded and if they are, they will be disqualified.

• The name of a real person or a maximum of 2 persons must appear on all tickets. In the case of 2 names on any winning ticket, all prize amounts will be equally divided.

• The licensee reserves the right to limit the number of tickets sold to anyone per weekly draw.

• Tickets will be valid only for the weekly draw that they were purchased for.

• All tickets shall be sequentially numbered with no duplicate numbers.

• Tickets will include space for name, town and phone number and the number of the envelope they would like opened if their ticket is drawn, with all information clearly printed.

• The available/remaining envelope numbers will be prominently displayed in the lounge at the Legion.

• Tickets are only good for the week they are purchased for.

• The name on the ticket will be deemed the Ticket Holder. Any / All prizes will be awarded to the Ticket Holder.

• Tickets must be purchased with cash ONLY. No credit card, bank card or cheques may be accepted.

• The ticket sequence used each week and the winning ticket number will be entered into a "Ticket Log".


• All draws will be held at Erin Legion Branch 442, 12 Dundas St E., Erin, ON every Friday at 7 PM

•  Legion Hours for ticket sales are Tuesday to Thursday 2PM to 8PM and Sat. 1PM to 8 PM at the bar or a person will be selling them in the lounge

• Draws will made for 46 consecutive weeks commencing October (or when the progressive pot has hit the maximum amount of $30,000)

• All aspects of the draw will be video recorded to ensure a record of the stub draw, confirmation of winning stub, selection of the envelope and subsequent destruction of the card in the selected envelope.

• After the close of ticket sales, just prior to the draw, the following will be announced:

• Number of tickets sold that week

• Current week prize amount (20% of current / same-week sales.)

• Catch The Ace accumulated Progressive Jackpot (including 30% of current sales)

• Once all tickets have been placed in the draw box, the box will be agitated sufficiently and at least 3 times to ensure complete mixing of the tickets.

• One winning ticket will be drawn under the supervision of a draw chairperson. The chairperson or the person drawing the ticket will not have a ticket in their name or an interest in any ticket for this draw.

• Once the winning ticket is drawn, the envelope indicated on it will be opened (in clear view of the public) to reveal the enclosed card.

• Only the envelope number stated on the ticket shall be opened.

• In the case that the ticket drawn does not have an envelope selected, the number is illegible or ambiguous, the lowest numbered available envelope will be opened.

• In the case that the envelope selected on the drawn ticket has already been opened, the lowest numbered available envelope will be opened.

• If the Ace of Spades is not revealed in the envelope selected, the ticket holder will be awarded only the 20% of the current weeks' prize.

• In the event the Ace of Spades is revealed in the envelope selected, the winner will be awarded both the current rounds same-week prize amount and the Progressive Jackpot. The event and the license are then concluded.

• The selected card/envelope will be destroyed by the draw chairperson and a log
kept of all destroyed cards.

• Only the envelope number stated on the ticket shall be opened if still available.

• The purchaser of the winning ticket is not required to be in attendance at the draw.

• All winners are contacted by telephone or in person.

• For each round the original deck of 52 cards will be used.

• The "deck" (this refers to unselected envelopes/cards) will be secured and locked. This will continue weekly until the Ace of Spades is chosen.

• Once the draw is complete, the non-winning tickets are removed from the draw container and retained in a secured area for a minimum of 30 days. Winning tickets will be retained until 30 days after the conclusion of the license. A new series of tickets will be sold for the next draw date.


• A standard deck of 52 playing cards will be placed in drum and agitated sufficiently to ensure complete mixing of the cards, then one card at a time will be placed in identical envelopes and sealed. The envelopes will then be placed back in the drum and agitated again. Then the envelopes will be pulled out one by one and numbered from one (1) to fifty-two (52). The envelopes will then be placed in numerical order in a secure display case (the draw board).

• The entire procedure will be video recorded and the recording retained for 30 days after conclusion of the lottery.

• The draw board will be under the care of a member of the Royal Canadian Legion Erin branch and will be on display for every draw.


 • If after 45 weeks, the Ace of Spades is not revealed, The progressive Jackpot will be awarded on the 46th week of the raffle.

• The winning ticketholder will win the 20%of the weekly ticket sales and the chance to win the progressive pot.

• If the selected envelope does not contain the Ace of Spades, another ticket will be drawn.  This and all subsequent tickets drawn after the first ticket, will not win the Weekly Prize but the envelope number shown on the ticket will be eligible for the Progressive Jackpot.

• If the drawn ticket does not have an envelope number or has an invalid number, the lowest remaining envelope number is selected by the draw chairperson.

• The ticket holder that reveals the Ace of Spades will be declared the Progressive Jackpot winner.

Catch the Ace - Special Circumstances:

 •In the event of storms, power outages or other catastrophic event(s) which cause a delay, the raffle will continue as usual on the next available day

• If it is deemed that at any point during the lottery, bona fide members who are conducting and managing the draw cannot ensure the safety of participants, staff, volunteers, and the public though every reasonable measure has been taken, those bona fide members will conclude the current lottery on the following Friday


Remember to wear RED on Fridays - Support Our Troops!